Petersens in England Weblog

Just another weblog

Second day: England’s swings. January 5, 2008

Filed under: About US — petersensinengland @ 2:28 am
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We took the car back to the airport today and then rode the “tunnel” or subway into London for a bit to see the Piccadilly Square and let Maddy ride “England’s swings”. She has been singing the Roger Miller song with the first line starting “England swings like a pendulum do… “, which isn’t really taking about real swings, but in her experience the only thing that swings is an actual swing, so she’s been excited to ride the England swings. There was a little amusement park there and she actually chose to ride the merry-go-round instead of the swings (she was too short). We had fun but it’s pretty cold and windy so we didn’t spend too much time outside. But we made the boss (Maddy) happy with the “swings” and seeing the “red school buses” (translation: those double-decker tour buses).