Petersens in England Weblog

Just another weblog

First day here. January 5, 2008

Filed under: About US — petersensinengland @ 2:28 am
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When we got here Steve and Deanne helped us with the luggage and we got two cars, one that Steve had reserved and another that I rented to transport our luggage. We couldn’t fit our 12 bags in even a big car, go figure!! We rented a little “van” that had the seats taken out. I just followed Steve, who had a GPS to guide him, and we did pretty well even driving on the wrong side of the road, well other than hitting a few curbs and driving onto an off ramp on the freeway against traffic. We did so well driving that a surprisingly low amount of people felt the need to give us the one finger salute.


Driving on the right (correct) side of the road

Filed under: About US — petersensinengland @ 2:27 am
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When we got here Steve and Deanne helped us with the luggage and we got two cars, one that Steve had reserved and another that I rented to transport our luggage. We couldn’t fit our 12 bags in even a big car, go figure!! We rented a little “van” that had the seats taken out. I just followed Steve, who had a GPS to guide him, and we did pretty well even driving on the wrong side of the road, well other than hitting a few curbs and driving onto an off ramp on the freeway against traffic. We did so well driving that a surprisingly low amount of people felt the need to give us the one finger salute.